We’ve been seeing our consultant every 2 weeks for scans and monitoring, but now I’m past 24 weeks, we’ll only be seeing her every 4 weeks until we feel comfortable enough not to have anymore. After eight scans I’ll miss not seeing our little one so often. Our consultant has treated us to a 4D scan on three occasions now, which has been a magical experience. It is so amazing to see all the facial features so clearly, and watch our baby yawning and waving their little hands about.
I’ve been feeling kicks from 17 weeks but they’re getting stronger each week – enough to knock things off my tummy if I’m resting anything there! Sometimes little bubba has a very energetic kicking session, other times it’s slow rolls and stretches which is a more strange sensation. Lately I’ve been enjoying playing music to the baby, after I bought Hayley Westenra’s Hushabye album a few weeks ago. The first few times I played it were emotional as I thought of William and Noah and how I never got to sing lullabies to them, but they’re beautiful songs and I love listening to them. It would be a very soothing selection to play during feeds and before bedtime.

everything will be ok 🙂
SO happy for you. And what a gorgeous shape you have!We have decided not to do NCT as it's quite expensive and meeting people all depends on the group you join. I have heard good things and bad but we are ok with just NHS. I think my friend paid £170 which I think is pricey but it depends on what your needs are xx
We are in the same week! 🙂 I just wanna tell you that I'm happy you start talking about the baby and the pregnancy. The baby WILL come with you, to your house, to your family, to your hearts, start beliving it! The baby will conquer your entire life in a magic way. So wait a few more weeks to see it. (omg! you gain so much little!!! I'm struggling with sweet's…)
you look absolutely beautiful, and i'm so happy you are feeling less anxious now. I'm SO, so happy for you, you are going to have such a cute baby! all my love xxx
We haven't booked NCT yet, my husband isn't so keen haha but like you say, it's a good way to meet other expecting parents in your area. If you end up going, I'd love to hear your experiences xxxx take care xxx
Beautiful! Love reading pregnancy updates 🙂 x
You look amazing! All my love and best wishes are with you
Looking absolutely beautiful Amy. I'm so happy for the two of you and cannot wait to 'meet' the little one. Everything will be fine sweet. xx
You look insanely beautiful pregnant, I'm so happy and excited for you! Got my fingers crossed for you and Matt x
Congratulations lovely, you look beautiful and thank you for sharing this with us. It must be hard for you but I'm sending you lots of love and good wishes and I know that come October you will be taking a beautiful baby home with you.
Nina from little nomad
Hi Amy,
I've never been one to comment on posts, although I've been following (and loving) your blog for quite some time now.
When I read what happened to you during your first pregnancy, I didn't think it would be of any help to you and your husband to receive words of compassion from some stranger. It's only now, after I experienced a great loss and had rough times myself, that I understand how much sincere sympathy and kindness can do for you, even if it comes from strangers. But, enough with the sentimental rambling..what I actually wanted to to say is that I am extremely happy for the two of you and that I wish you all the best!
Hi Kathy, thank you for your lovely comment. I'm so sorry to hear you've gone through a hard time yourself. You're right, it is amazing how comforting words can be, and we have actually had more beautiful and kind things said to us by strangers and acquaintances than people close to us, so I truly do value every kind comment that has been left on my blog. Thank you for your well wishes. x
This is such an incredibly moving post. So, so happy for you that this pregnancy is going smoothly. I can't wait to see you with your beautiful baby 🙂 Sending you lots of love and positive thoughts!
I would hate to have gone through that are you are so strong to even consider having another baby after what happened with your twins, I take off my hat to you. Enjoy the pregnancy while it's good though. You'll soon get sick of being uncomfy and hot and bothered in this weather, luckily I went through winter so I could wrap up and stay warm, even then it was a struggle to remain cool and would often break out in sweats! I've made a few new friends since having millie, not through m&b groups though but friends that already have babies! I seem to have much more in common with people that have had babies than others that haven't! My 'so called' best friend hasnt been in touch since March 12th. Makes you realise who your true friends are!! xxxx
aww you have the cutest little bump :')
This is so lovely, congratulations to you both, it's so great to hear that everything is going smoothly. You look beautiful too, definitely got that pregnancy glow.
Rosalie x
You look so beautiful Amy! xo
This is fantastic! You look adorable! 🙂
So happy for you Amy… 🙂 xxx
Looking blooming beautiful. I'm so amazingly happy for you xx
Congratulations to both you and Matt. I completely understand why you would be a bit tentative about this pregnancy but so far it sounds as though it's all going well and I wish you all the best with it 🙂
Louisa's Notebook
awwh Congrats to you <3
Hi Amy…
I have been reading your blog for a long time but rarely (if ever) comment. I just wanted to say that I am so happy for you and Matt and that you are able to feel some excitement after such tragedy.
I wish you all the very best with your pregnancy and everything that that follows ♡
Also I just want to add, I really love your blog.
Another beautiful post. You look so happy, healthy and beautiful and I'm sure your baby will be just the same. With everyone reading and commenting wishing you so much luck we really hope it all goes brilliant for you. Such a brave woman. Treasure your moment.
chelseyxlou.blogspot.co.uk xo
What a beautiful bump! As an answer to the NCT classes – 24 years ago my parents signed up for the classes, and 24 years on – there is a group of 6 families who still meet up 2-3 times a year, and I have life long friends who were born in the same month as me! We actually call our friendship group the 'antenatal group' – it's stuck! It's certainly a really special friendship I have with them – I really recommend it :)(from a child's POV!). XXX
I'm so happy for you and your husband. You are such a beautiful woman inside and out. Your baby is going to have the best parents in the world :)x
You look so beautiful in your pregnancy! I hope the rest of the pregnancy goes well, I'm so happy I found your blog it's so enchanting, I'm now following you can't can't wait to read your future posts 🙂
aaaawww so sweet! Don't worry Amy, be happy! Everything will be ok xxx
Awwww, soooo sweet!! I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well, good luck!!
Please visit my blog..
Brittany, xx
Moi ce qui m'a tout d'abord touché quand je suis arrivé un peu par hasard à votre blog, c'est cette façon émouvante dont vous parlez de votre grossèsse, de vos jumeax, des examens…Vos enfants ont de la chance de vous avoir. Et je pesne c'est un bon cadeau, et une preuvede très grande amour que vous leur laissez à travers vos écris.
Je crois que William, Noah seront ravi de lire ce blog et savoir que vous les aimez aussi tendrement.
Amy you look so beautiful, I'm sending all my thoughts and prayers to you and your happy and healthy baby. x
You look incredible and what a tough time you have come through! I'm so glad all is going well with this little one and I look forward to when you can finally relax when your little baby is in your arms! X
You look beautiful Amy. Shopping is always fun! Do pamper yourself.
Take one day at a time…Very very excited and can't wait to see your cute baby.
Sending my thoughts to you from across the sea….
Annie (NJ)
Best wishes Amy!!!you are a brave woman!!!unlike me- i've been so afraid that something might happen that i've been scared to even get pregnant…So you go girl and stay strong!
Hi Amy, congratulations on the positive pregnancy and for looking absolutely radiant, I am so sorry your last pregnancy didn't work out and as someone who has their share of worry I can relate. I suffered 3 miscarriages before I got my beautiful boy, I couldn't buy anything for so long, and remember just praying that I would bring be able to bring him home with me. Enjoy every moment of your baby kicking away, I remember even when it got unbearable I was so greatful to be carrying a healthy child, and when he was born I couldn't beleive he really existed. I wish you so much luck, and hope that your baby will arrive safely, and that you can start such a beautiful chaper in your life raising them.
You look so beautiful and healthy! Best wishes in the weeks ahead 🙂
Ellie | Ellalogy
You look beautiful!
I am 24 weeks so right behind you 🙂 will be lovely to watch your progress and am hoping so much for you that everything goes ok xxx
girl about chelts
I have just found your blog and it is just gorgeous- I am looking forward to following your pregnancy, my little girl's are 5 months and 2 years.
I am so happy and excited for you sweetheart. You look absolutely beautiful and I know that everything will be okay. It will. xx
Aww~ you look beautiful!!:)
Hello! I have just found your blog and I love it. Best wishes! Everything will be okay 🙂
I love your blog
Thanx for lovely and informative blog. I read all blogs about pregnancy and morning sickness. This blog is related plz checq this blog :-http://tinyurl.com/kja6gzj . keep writing and sharing.
You look beautiful..Can you give me some unplanned pregnancy help
What are facts on abortion?