This week marks the beginning of the third trimester, which is new territory for me and something which I am so grateful for. One of my pregnancy apps informs me I have 82 days to go, which doesn’t sound long at all! This week has been filled with appointments – a glucose tolerance test, (which was just a formality as it’s usually reserved for women with a high BMI, but necessary for me as my dad has type 2 diabetes), a blood test, an anti-D injection, the whooping cough vaccine, a scan and a midwife appointment. Overall, lot of needles, but I can’t complain as it’s nowhere near the amount I was subjected to in my last pregnancy and they all routine, rather than being needed due to complications.
Our consultant treated us to another 4D scan of our little one, where we were lucky enough to get an amazingly clear picture of our baby’s face, where we saw cute chubby cheeks and plump lips! If all goes well, we should only be having two more scans, and then we will be seeing our baby in real life! The baby is now head down, which probably accounts for the kicks I’ve been feeling much higher up. Strange to have little feet poking my ribs! According to my baby books, at 28 weeks they measure around 37cm from head to toe, and from the scan, our little one is estimated to weigh 2lbs 13oz. My bump circumference in now 40″, and after weeks of being on the cusp, my belly button finally popped out!
Over the past few weeks, Matt and I have cleared out one of our spare bedrooms in preparation for turning it into a nursery. The floor had become a large mass of indistinguishable clothes as tidying has been low on our list of priorities since last November, so it felt good to sort through everything and get organised. We’re hoping to move to a bigger house next year, so we’ll be painting the room a neutral colour rather than something gender specific, and adding touches of colour with accessories. We’re currently favouring a light grey, but there don’t seem to be too many options to choose from, so if you have any recommendations, do let me know!
My Pregnancy Diary
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You are literally Kate Middleton – so elegant in your pregnancy, you look wonderful and this is so exciting, I love reading these updates – I almost feel part of the family. x
So glad to hear everything's going well 🙂
SO happy for you that everything's progressing well still! Really, really wonderful 🙂 Looking forward to seeing photos of your little one in a few week's time!
Farrow and ball have a lovely grey colour. It's pavilion grey. We have it in our bedroom, we have chosen borrowed light for the nursery.
You are so beautiful and elegant with your pregnancy! I am 29 weeks now and have recently had all the needles too (GTT due to my mum having diabetes, various blood tests and the wonderful Anti-D!). The 4D scan is such a magical experience, we had one last week and it has certainly made the whole thing seem very real and very near! x
You have no idea how happy these posts are making me!
You look absolutely beautiful! I can't even imagine how amazing the 4D scan must have been, so exciting! x
You look gorgeous! I remember seeing that I had 99 days to go on my pregnancy app and now here I am with a 7 week old, it'll fly by 🙂 And I have the colour Polished Pebble by Dulux in my living room which is a lovely grey x
Kat x Curls and Swirls Beauty & Lifestyle
So so pleased to hear everything is going well! The third trimester is one of the best and also… a little tiring. My advice is to be good to yourself, rest and enjoy these last few weeks before it all kicks off!
You're going to make great parents!
Really glad to hear that everything is progressing well for you, I bet the 4D scan was amazing!
You look incredible too 🙂 xx
so happy to hear that everything is progressing beautifully well. you look so radiant and elegant in your photos and cannot wait to hear more posts right up until the birth. good luck with everything, we all know you deserve it.
Katie-Louise xx |
You look fab, so glad to hear everything is going well 🙂 We just painted our bedroom a very pale grey called Clouded Pearl by Dulux, it was one of the ones that they mix up for you in B&Q, it's a gorgeous colour xx
Handbags To Change Bags – Mummy & Lifestyle Blog
I painted nursery with pastel colors than choosing blues. I just add a wall brochure sticker to separate the two colors (I painted the hall wall a warm chocolate and the other half a light yellow color). I think it's was a wise choise since the second child is the same gender. 88 days left for me too. In premature birth the child has 90% of survival. It's good to know that baby is in a status that can breath if a premature birth occurs. I can relax and breath also. Less stress and more confided that everything will go just fine! xxxxx
where is your dress from? it's a gorgeous colour and you look beautiful in it!!xx
You look absolutely beautiful, you must be so excited and I bet the 4D scan was amazing! Best of luck for the next few weeks 🙂 xo
I think you should paint the room a lovely pastel yellow or green colour as it will be cheerful and peaceful 🙂 I know my mom and dad did something similar for me as they didn't know what they were having until I arrived.
Take care Amy 🙂
Amy xx
–A Little Boat Sailing–
You look beautiful! Love the dress, very Kate Middleton 🙂 xx
Oh Amy I am so pleased for you both and you look absolutely wonderful! x
Hi Amy, I really enjoy reading your blog – I have purchased a few of the items you have reviewed and I have been very impressed. Huge congratulations on your pregnancy. As for a room colour for your nursery, I am an interior designer and have recently used the colour 'Welcome' by Little Greene in a client's nursery. It is very subtle and is available in four scales, so you can chose how light/ dark you want to go. I hope that helps! Alexandra
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