It’s been a while since my last pregnancy update, life has been busy and the days have flown by. I’m finally full term. It seems unbelievable that in less than three weeks time, we might actually have a baby to care for. We have waited so long for this moment. It was June last year when we found out I was pregnant with William and Noah. Now, over 400 days later, we might finally be able to take home one of our three children. What feels like a seventeen month pregnancy will soon be over.
We had our 11th and final scan with our consultant last week. We saw our little one practicing breathing (which we can often see from the outside too) which is a good sign and baby was still head down thankfully. Baby’s estimated weight was already 6lbs 14oz at 36 weeks, but I know weight can often be overestimated so we’ll just have to wait and see if we’ll be having a big baby! We left the appointment with an induction being booked for my due date. We’re growing increasingly anxious and don’t want to risk going overdue, so we were relieved our consultant was happy to arrange for this. Hopefully I’ll go into labour naturally before then, but it’s reassuring to have a definite end date in mind.
Group B Streptococcus
At 35 weeks I was tested for Group B Strep, which to summarise is the most common cause of life-threatening infections in newborn babies in the UK. It’s only something I’m aware of from online support groups for bereaved mothers, but once I’d heard about it, I planned on getting tested for it. The test isn’t offered on the NHS as there’s no national screening programme in the UK yet, (although there are campaigns to introduce this), so we spoke about it with our midwife and chose to pay for it privately, which cost £35, and simply involved sending off some swabs to a lab. My results came back a few days later – positive unfortunately – so I’ll be having antibiotics during labour which greatly reduces the risk of the baby developing an infection. Not the results I was hoping for, but I’m so glad I got tested for it so we’re aware I carry it. It’s a shame that midwives don’t inform pregnant women about GBS. I feel if it’s not yet routinely tested for, they could at least let women know about it so they can make the choice on whether or not to get tested. If you’d like to know more, the Group B Strep Support site has plenty of information which can be found here.
The heatburn I had been experiencing has eased off and my appetite has returned. My bump is very itchy lately, so I’ve increased the body butter applications and sometimes place a cold wet flannel over it if it’s really bad. Braxton Hicks have become a lot more frequent, although they’re still completely painless. There are still no stretchmarks on my bump, which amazes me as it’s now measuring a whopping 44″ in circumference. I’m expecting them to appear any day now!
Our hospital bags have been packed, and we have all the baby items we need, so it’s now just a matter of waiting! I’m so looking forward to seeing our baby’s face and finding out if those cheeks are as chubby in real life as they appear in the 4D scans!
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You look so stunning and amazing! Although I'm not pregnant, I'm glad you wrote about GBS as it's something I would definitely get tested for when I am, I had no idea about it so thank you, very helpful for the future.
I hope you don't get any stretch marks, keep lathering the body butter on, I hope you have a safe labour.
Claudia xx
Beauty and the Chic
Congrats Amy at reaching full term, you must feel so happy about it!!! You are looking truly beautiful and I wish you all the best for these coming weeks!!! xx
I always look forward to your updates. I wasn't aware of GBS myself, even after having a child. I think that, as you say, pregnant women should be made aware of this. I hope that you have a smooth (as smooth as it can be) labour. Congratulations on reaching full term! x
You look absolutely amazing Amy, so radiant! Wishing you all the best for these three weeks, so pleased for you with reaching full term. It's been absolutely amazing reading your entire journey. xx
I am so excited reading this, I imagine that almost everyone is just as excited as you are! Hope everything continues to go well xx
Congrats dear!!! Wish you to have easy final 🙂
My baby is now 7 months old, nearly 8, can't believe how quick time is going!!! Looks just yesterday I was pregnant :))
Your look so gorgeous, and so glowing Amy! I am so happy for you 🙂 xxxx
What a perfect little baby bump. Enjoy your last few weeks being pregnant and make sure you do something together before baby arrives 🙂
You look gorgeous. Thanks for talking about GBS. It's something I know very little about but I'm going to look into it. X
Your positivity is an inspiration, congrats on getting full term. I hope everything goes smoothly for you and baby xxx
I was thinking about you the other day actually, wondering if your little bundle had been welcomed into the world yet! Hope everything goes well, im so excited for the both of you!
Leanne @ Leanne-Marie | Beauty, fashion & lifestyle. x x
You llook really well. So glad everything is on track. Keeping all my fingers and toes crossed for you to have a perfect labour. Looking forward to meeting your new bundle.
Is it odd that I am equally excited about your pregnancy as I am about my own?? I am a week behind you but also suffering from itchy bump, despite no stretch marks (yet – fingers firmly crossed!) Thanks for the heads up about GBS – I can't believe this isn't routinely tested for.
You look gorgeous as always and I hope you continue to feel well. I can't wait to read of your new arrival!
rachael @ xx
I wasn't aware of GBS and only found out about it after I gave birth, but will definitely get tested for it if I ever have another baby! I'm glad you're suffering less from heartburn, that was awful for me! Fingers crossed you stay stretch mark free, mine arrived in the last 2 weeks!
I hope everything goes smoothly and you're home with the little one not long after they arrive…
Lauren x
Wishing you best of luck for the remainder of your pregnancy and the birth, not long for you now! After a difficult time we've been waiting since May last year and finally I'm here at very almost 39 weeks, I'm so excited like nothing I've felt before! xx
Ooh so close now! My stretch marks arrived on week 38, I'd gotten so close haha. You look lovely as usual and I hope everything goes well for you 🙂 xx
Curls & Swirls Beauty Blog
Not long now!! So exciting 🙂 I am amazed the GBS test is not standard in the UK, here in Australia, it is just routine to get it.
Can't believe you're at 37 weeks already! Not long to go 😀 xx
You are so sweet Amy!!! Love you so much! <3
hey 🙂 how did you created this 37 weeks thing? 🙂
Lovely photos !