(My various hair colours & lengths over the last few years)
I’m in a bit of a hair predicament. I’m stuck in a hair rut and I’m wondering whether to dare to try something a bit different or stick with my trusted style. I’m tempted to try something a little shorter as I’ve always had long locks (the shortest I’ve gone for years was for our wedding when I had a good 5 inches lopped off!) I love Mollie King’s hair – loose curls and a chic length. Yet just when I think I’ve decided I’ll go for the chop, I find myself looking longingly at the Kardashian’s luscious long hair.
I’m also wondering where to go in terms of colour. I’ve been brunette for the most part of my life, dabbling in mahogany tones as a teenager and most recently ombre hair which has nudged me into blonde for the first time since I was a child. I’m either going to experiment with an all over blondette look, or resort back to being brunette. What to do you think?
(My current hair inspiration)

oh your hair is gorgeous! and i really like what your inspiration is leading you towards!
I think keep your hair long! I had gorgeous long hair and had it all chopped off, such a huge regret as my hair is so slow going! Some lovely honey highlights would look lovely with your skin tone too! 🙂 x
i love mollie kings hair but i think you should keep yours long, it looks in such good condition which everyone craves! i think it looks gorgeous in the 3rd picture especially xx
I absolutely love your hair the way it is! I understand though, i'm in the same situation wanting something different, I love your inspiration pictures, Lauren Conrads hair looks amazing! x
love your hair colours 🙂
and i think lauren look so pretty on that picture. her hair looks fab 😀
xoxo FlirtingwithFashion
Hair is always such a predicament! I'm the same, I love shoulder-length chic hair, but on me it never feels like that and I always want it longer! I'm growing mine at the moment, but Mollie King also makes me want to chop it!
Colour-wise, I think you look stunning with darker hair…you look gorgeous in that third picture! x
I can see why it's so difficult all the hairstyles look pretty on you…x
your hair looks lovely long and dark, but i think i your going for a change then lauren conrads hair would look lovely on you… x
It looks lovely in the picture on the middle row on the left. I'm growing mine to be pretty much like that. Don't go for the chop!!! 🙂
I love your hair long and I think brunette suits you so well, although I do like the ombre hair in your top left photo, maybe some really subtle highlights?
Hi Amy – I would definitely have to say your hair looks best when it is long and brunette. Your hair is lovely in the photo where you are holding the camera and also look gorg in your wedding snap. xx
I loveee ombre! I know from experience of having my long hair cut short, you always miss it. But if you are going to cut it, I'd say Mollie's length with no layers to keep it looking thick, I love that style! You;d suit anything though 🙂 x
I love ombre hair! You look gorgeous in all the photos, especially the wedding one! Personally, i think your hair looks best brunette!x
Hair can always grow back no matter what.
I used to have long hair up to my waist for few years. I got sick of it and chop it off & it makes me feel lighter and soooo easy to manage. I received lots of compliments and it makes me look younger. When I say chop it off I mean short short.
Try a new complete hairstyle at least once in your lifetime or age group.
Go for a new style… I had long hair for ages then at the end of last year I had my hair cut into a med length graduated bob… I had been thinking about doing it for over a year then one day I just went for it and I love it!! Also blonde is nicer but very expensive to maintain if you want to keep it looking nice! Hope that helps.
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I think you've got the facial structure and skin tone to pull a really wide variety of looks. I can see you looking just as beautiful with a long bob, shaped longer at the front, shorter at the back in a lovely chestnut shade.
Good luck picking a style! xx
I think darker hair suits you bettter..makes your eyes pop!
My god you're gorgeous!! Personally, I love your style. I think the darker colour looks better on you though. I love anything LC does too though, you can't really go wrong with LC. I ombre-ed my hair last year and I'm so pleased I did 🙂 xxx
i think you suit brunette so nicely! i have a secret wish to go darker so anyone that suits it should stay in my book 😉 the top right hand picture is gorgeous xx
I think, length wise, don't go short unless you REALLY want it. Sometimes a good layered haircut will give the illusion of shorter hair and that might stave off your craving for shorter locks right now.
As far as the hair color goes, go lighter! If you don't like it, you can always go back darker. It is a lot easier being a brunette and going lighter as opposed to already being light, going darker, and then going light again if you don't like it. Going back darker is always easier on your hair. <3
I ♥ LC's hair 🙂 Great article!!!
i was scared to go short BUT my hair has really benefited from it. the lenghts of your hair are usually years old so a good chop freshens it all up. mines mollys length. its really easy to style, still long enough to be girly, really frames my face. you have to be really brave to go for it. way i see it, it will grow, (i havent got bored of my hair though!) AND there are always clip in extensions if i want long hair back for a little while x
I love all the photos of your hair. Why not go for something different? You might absolutely love it and if you don't it will always grow back 🙂
Holli x
I'd definitely stick with dark / brunette, you suit it lighter and blonde too but when it's dark it makes your eyes look really fantastic and so blue.
Try ombre hair! It's so gorgeous.
In my defense, I contracted the world's most persistent sinus infection–but mostly I've just felt a little restless with my current wardrobe and can't be bothered (most days) to wear something that merits and actual post.
I'm in exactly the same predicament now! I have hair a similar length to yours and always have. I don't tend to look after my hair very well so I have horrible split ends! I'm tempted at the minute to have just over or even just above the shoulder shop with a full fringe! Hopefully it'll stop my son from pulling it out and for it to end up literally everywhere!
My view point is… hairs hair, it'll grow back, if your hairs like mine it'll grown back in no time!