I’ve seen the ‘what’s on my bedside table‘ post pop up a few times on beauty blogs I read so I thought I’d give you a little peek of mine. The bedroom is my haven, with all my favourite products residing on my bedside table, perfectly within reach when I’m curled up and encased in a heavenly feather and down duvet. My bedside table drawer houses a mass of lip balm, hand cream and foot cream, all very disorganised and chaotic, but luckily this post doesn’t require me to delve into the depths of the beauty abyss – instead I can focus on the (usually) orderly surface of my bedside table. My bedtime essentials are all kept here – a good book, a hydrating lip balm, hand cream and a candle for a cosy ambiance. Everything I need to settle into a soothing slumber!
What’s on your bedside table?

You have the cutest bedside table setup I have ever seen, its so girly and vintage looking! x
Your bedside table is so girly and pretty!
It's so pretty! I love how girly it is 🙂 I have that book as well, it's so cute xx
you have the prettiest bedside table ever ! your room must be really pretty 🙂
I keep all of my body and lip moisturises, the book I'm reading atm and candles on mine
You have such a beautiful room and so many beautiful things. It's exactly the kind of look I dream of having when I have my own house. I used to have that alarm clock 🙂 I even remember buying it when I was about 12! (I'm 24 now!) I got it in a shop in Matlock Bath and spent a good few weeks saving up for it with my pocket money 🙂 Thanks for the nice memories xo
I got the alarm clock around the same age – a lovely birthday present from my best friend! x
great photos.
all this pink looks perfect in my eyes!! 😉
Your home style is perfect. It's the perfect in shabby chic.
I love your bedside table, the whole look is really nice. Where did you get the bedside table from, I'm in love with it xxx
Thank you 🙂 Our bedside tables are either from Homes Direct 365 or Classics Direct, I can't remember which one! x
I really need to do this tag sometime on my blog but I don't have a bedside table at the moment because i've just moved in! Your bedroom much be extremely girls and shabby chic, not my style but it's soo cute 🙂 xx
It's so cute and girly! I'm sure my boyfriend wouldn't let me decide for it all to be baby pink if it was me though xD
How absolutely beautiful your decor and girlie bits all look together! x
I wish mine was that tidy!
Don't worry, mine doesn't look like this all the time, I'm a messy person unfortunately! x
oh my GOD I want your room! So beautiful xo
Thank you! x
Thats gotta be one of the most elegant looking bedside tables I've ever seen! It looks like it should be in some sort of window display. Absolutely adorable x
I have the 'Love Letters of Great Men' book as well! Love your set-up, its very girly-Parisian! x
Your bedroom looks so beautiful! Loving your wallpaper 🙂 I keep meaning to pick up Love Letters of Great Men, it sounds like a good relaxing read xx
It's a really lovely book x
Everything in this post is perfectly pretty, adore x
Absolutely beautiful, love the furniture! I love your blog Amy, but please make your font a little bigger or different colour, it's so tiny and hard to read! Otherwise love love love everything about your blog 🙂
Thank you 🙂 I've now made the font a little larger, hopefully it's easier to read. Thanks for the feedback! x
Seriously, your house has to be the most amazing thing ever. You have such a nice taste, everything looks perfect! Your alarm clock is adorable [but so is everything else] xx
So pretty! I absolutely love your bedside table and everything on it, it looks so nice and girly and adorable!
I love your decor, the wallpaper looks beautiful! Love the bedside table too! (I know this is about whats on it, but…!) xxx
Your bedside table is so cute. I love that rose lip balm too. x
It really looks like a heaven, and your bedside table is tidy also it has a girly look. The pink colour looks so charming.
This is beautiful!!!
So tidy and pretty. Great post! I'm hosting a Beauty Blogger Secret Santa on my blog if you would like to join in…
Eeee, everything's just so pink and pretty! My beside table consists of books and books alone! Oh and whatever jewellery I've taken off. And my phone. And a glass of water. Not nearly as pretty looking as your haha.
Feel free to pop over to my blog and say hi if you get the chance, i'd love to hear from you 🙂 x
In reality that's what mine looks like 90% of the time! x
your bedside table is so cute and girly 🙂 I love the alarm clock!
What a beautiful bedside table! x
Such a cute bookmark!
Your bedside table is stunning! Is it Graham and Green?
I really want to read that book 🙂 xo
You have the loveliest bedside table I've seen, everything is just so girly and nice! xx
That is truly beautiful. My bedside table is a mess of tissues, books, glasses, packets, jars, random items that I've not been bothered to move! Is there hope for me yet…? I don't think so…
ah so pretty need that book in my life x
So girly and gorgeous 🙂 x
Wow, that looks so much more organized than mine! I have candles, tissues, body lotion, and my skin care routine products on mine. No book on mine – and no love letters! But I do love bubble baths, candles, incense, and skin care – not bad for a guy.
I love how feminine everything is, so girly and elegant! Love your blog so much Amy xx
I'd love to see your entire house because I love the design of your bedroom !
Love xx
Melanie ~ http://www.mlncrd.com
Where did you get your wallpaper from? It's beautiful!
Thank you! It's from Laura Ashley.
Dear Amy
You have beautifull furnished home with love and fantasy.Especially I love Your toilet table.Please can You write me where from is it?Thanks 🙂 Wish You all the best