As every parents says, I can’t believe how quickly time is passing. Our son is no longer a tiny little newborn, but a rapidly growing baby boy, exploring his new world and developing new skills alongside his blossoming personality. Every day is delight, holding new things in store and it is such a joy to watch him grow.
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Reflux & CMPI
After a terrible first three months, Henry’s silent reflux and cow’s milk protein intolerance are now under control. It was a very long road to get the help he needed, so much so it needs a whole blog post dedicated to it, but to summarise, Henry now takes omeprazole each morning and I supplement breastfeeding with a hydrolysed formula called Neocate. He’s now a happy, healthy baby and it’s such to relief to know he’s no longer in pain.
Weight & Size
At his last weigh-in, Henry came in at just under 13lbs. Due to his silent reflux and CMPI (which neither the GP or health visitor believed he had when we first suggested it at 4 weeks old), Henry’s weight remained static for 5 weeks, resulting in him dropping from the 50th to 2nd centile. He’s now following along the 9th curve, so it seems unlikely he’ll make it back up to the 50th again sadly.
Henry takes after my side of the family when it comes to height. He’s a tall baby and he needed 3-6 month clothes fairly early on. His long legs already fill out his little joggers so it won’t be long until we move him into 6-9 month clothes. The only problem is because he’s small weight wise, his vests are far too big around the neck, waist and leg holes!
There is no better way to wake in the morning than to hear your little baby happily chatting away to himself. His sweet voice is a joy to hear and we love listening to all the sounds he makes!
Henry enjoys batting the toys on his baby gym, and reaches out to hold any toy you dangle in front of him. He loves to sit up, so he doesn’t have much time for his bouncer anymore. We need to invest in either the Bumbo or Mamas and Papas Baby Snug, as he prefers to sit up straight and look about at everything.
Henry used to hate tummy time, and with his reflux we rarely made time for it, but he very suddenly was able to hold his head up high and enjoyed seeing the world from a new perspective. He also surprised me one day by rolling over from his front to back. It startled him the first few times and he cried a little, but after some reassurance, he realised it was alright!
After a hellish first 3 months, where it would take hours to rock Henry to sleep only for him to nap for 40 minutes, and waking every few hours throughout the night, Henry’s sleep completely transformed once he was on the right medicine for his reflux. He can be now put down awake in his crib and he falls asleep on his own within 10 minutes or so. Even better, Henry now sleeps through the night, usually from 7pm – 7am. After all the sleep deprivation, this came as a very unexpected and welcome surprise!
A routine was impossible when Henry was suffering with his reflux. Once it was under control at 3 months, it all fell into place. I try to roughly follow The Baby Whisperer’s E.A.S.Y routine, although it doesn’t always work out in that order if Henry has a shorter nap than usual. He feeds every 3-4 hours, and has 1.5 hours of awake time before his next nap, which seems to work well.
For Henry’s bedtime routine, we start by taking him to nursery where we dim the lights, and have some wind-down time in his swing. Then it’s time for his night nappy, where we also pop him in his PJ’s and into his sleeping bag. We then take him into our room, where he still sleeps beside our bed in his crib, read him a bedtime story and then feed him, with very low lighting so he’s knows it sleepy time!v
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We absolutely adore our little baby boy. The way he smiles and kicks his legs excitedly when he sees us, how he wrinkles his nose when he grins, the cute giggles he makes when we kiss his neck. I love watching his face light up when his daddy comes home from work, the morning snuggles we have after he’s fed, and his huge blue eyes are simply beautiful. We can’t get enough of him!

so happy for you!!
Dani ♥
What a beautiful little boy, you must both be so incredibly proud 🙂
I can't pretend to know all the inns and outs of babies and what silent reflux is and what the 9th curve is however I'm so pleased to hear that he is doing well Amy!
Amy x | A Little Boat Sailing
Aww what a beautiful baby, look at those eyes, hes definitely going to be a heartbreaker 🙂
xxx Claire
This is beautiful <3 He is such a cutie and so glad you managed to sort his reflux out…xxx
he is scrummy xx
Those eyes! What a gorgeous, gorgeous boy.
What a gorgeous little man! 🙂
Emma x
Handbags To Change Bags – Mummy & Lifestyle Blog
So lovely to hear about Henry's progress. What a wonderful little boy you have!
Gosh, this is so lovely – such a beautiful little boy you've created! Those eyes!
He's such a gorgeous little boy! I'm so happy for you, and glad that he's feeling a lot better now.
Lucky you that he's sleeping through – my little sister didn't sleep through the night until she was 4 years old!!!
Amy he is so so beautiful! Love reading your Henry posts xx
Those EYES! He's stunningly beautiful Amy and it sounds like you're having a wonderful time with him xx
He is absolutely gorgeous, you must be so proud! Doesn't time go so quickly?! Emilia turned 4 months last weekend, like Henry she suffered so much for the first three months with reflux but so glad my little angel is getting better by the day now! It sounds like you're having a lovely time as a family! x
I'm very glad it's all been sorted out and that he now sleeps through the night. He's such a beautiful baby! So cute
He is just beautiful, Amy! It's so nice to read that he's doing well now 🙂 x
He is so beautiful! My first son has such blue eyes! Sadly my first son had also a serious problem with the gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (and we also didnt sleep for 4 months. My hands hurt so much because I was holding him all night, whispering, singing, crying from exchausting nights and days the desperation that I couldn't help him, couldn't breastfeed him properly, so I stop breastfeeding him, then the neverending search of the perfect formula started…I dont even want to recall those days….). My second son is very easy going baby (a week younger from your Henry), no reflux thank GOD! and we are also wearing clothes for 6-9 months old baby. Enjoy the days he is still on his back and chatting. Soon you will empty the rooms (anything that he can reach at least) from objects that could hurt him and starts taking steps…then the real party starts!!! haha!
He is beautiful Amy, just look at his big beautiful blue eyes! x
He is so beautiful Amy, those eyes!!!! So happy for you both.
Jenny | sunny sweet pea xx
He is so gorgeous Amy! So pleased to hear you've got his reflux under control, so much better for all of you 🙂 xx
Kat from Blushing Rose Beauty | Tiny Flutters – Mummy & Baby
So beautiful! He's super lucky you're such a good photographer too, he'll treasure these photos when he's older too x
He is so cute!