Baby Henry has started his weaning journey! I’d had everything ready for a few months – a cupboard full of spoons, freezer pots, trainer cups and baby porridge awaited me, alongside the ever popular Annabel Karmel’s Baby & Toddler Meal Planner. We started things off when Henry was 24 weeks old, trying him with a few teaspoons of porridge (see below for his reaction!) He’s since experienced the delights of carrot and pear, and soon to discover the taste of sweet potato and parsnip. I love making up purée’s for Henry. After doing some research, I finally settled on the Philips Baby Steamer and Blender, which makes the process so easy. I steam and blend the food in batches and then freeze, so I all I need to do is heat a pot up each day. Weaning is a very messy, but very fun, experience!
I made this little video to show our families, but I thought Henry’s little laugh was too cute not to share! I love the face he makes as he tries porridge for the first time, he doesn’t know what to make of it and looks at his mummy and daddy for reassurance!
1. The very cute Fujifilm Instax camera I received from ‘Henry’ for Mother’s Day. I’ve always wanted a polaroid camera and this camera produces the cutest little photos with a retro vibe. 2. Mum and baby selfie. It was the first warm day of the year and I was finally able to don a skirt, although the wind persisted in blowing it upwards! 3. A little snapshot of my favourite corner of our kitchen. 4. This beautiful vintage style bicycle was a birthday present from Matt but I’ve yet to use it. Now the weather is brighter and warmer, I’ll be taking it for a spin soon!
I’ll be back soon with Henry’s six month update (how is my little one already half a year old?!)

ohmygosh he's grown so much! he's such a handsome little man and so so cute 🙂
Aw how sweet, he is growing so quickly! Glad you had a lovely mothers day, I love the little Polaroid cameras. x
He is so so so sweet! Congratulations Amy! 🙂
That is the sweetest video!! Henry is to-die-for cute!!! My goodness, you can really see the happiness in all your faces, that's beautiful. xx from Switzerland
Such a cute video, Henry is so adorable! xx
Lovely post and such a gorgeous photo of you and Henry, he's such a cutie 🙂 xx
Such a sweet little video xxx
What a sweetheart! I love the bit where he's blinking away in his pushchair, he's adorable! And we had very similar faces pulled with Forrest's first mouthful, he looked so keen until he tasted it!!
You are looking really well and you have a gorgeous little family 🙂
rachael xx | made up of little things
Aww he is so sweet and teeny weeny!
Aww he is a cutie! I have that camera too but in black, I wanted the white but my bf got me black for valentines as all my other cameras are black ll.
Beautiful blog
AWWH what a cutie x
Henry is a very pretty baby 🙂
Melanie xx
What a gorgeous video, he is so cute and I love the photo of you both at the end. Do you know what I miss most about my pram? Being able to hang my jacket and bag over the handlebars! SO handy! lol
Wow things have changed. Mine were on pureed food at 3 months old.