The contents of Henry’s changing bag is ever evolving as he grows and develops. When he was a newborn, the necessities such as nappies, wipes, nappy bags and a change of outfit were all I needed, but now he’s keen to explore the world, there are a few extra items I always take with us…
Henry’s currently teething (we can spy his two front teeth peeping through his gums but they’re yet to break through!) so his Nuby teething keys, a packet of Bickiepegs and a bib to soak up all the drool are three essentials.
Tommee Tippee Antibacterial Wipes allow us to quickly sanitise anything Henry has dropped on the floor, whilst the Bath & Body Works PocketBac Gels are perfect for quick hand sanitising after a nappy change.
If we’re going out for lunch I take along some snacks for Henry, as he’s got to the age where he’s no longer content to just play whilst we eat, he wants to join us! He loves the Organix Carrot Sticks which I keep in a cute little tupperware box. They’re the perfect size for him to hold and they soothe his sore gums too.
Now that we’re starting to see some sunshine, I also like to keep a miniature baby suncream in the bag for any unexpected rays, as Henry has very fair skin like his mama.
A muslin and Jojo Maman Bebe Clam-P Clips allow us to get Henry off to sleep when he’s due a nap. We drape the muslin over the front of the pushchair and keep it in place with these handy little clips.
Finally, I pack a few of my own things. Along with my purse, I take along my keys, phone and a few makeup items, which I keep in the striped zip pocket.

Great post. I am currently 32 weeks pregnant with my first baby 🙂
I love those clam clips.
Jodie x
I love to see what others have in their changing bag. It's one of the side effects of being a new Mum. My little one is 15 weeks and I've got my changing bag post coming up in the next couple of weeks. I'm wanting to do these for myself to see what changes over the months, so far I'm carrying a lot more around but hopefully once my son gets to your sons age I'll be carrying a little less.
Thanks for sharing this, I'm 20 weeks pregnant with my first, off to check out that bag review, it looks beautiful!
Hi beautiful,
I was just browsing through & stumbled upon your lovely blog – It looks gorgeous and it has interesting posts that I can relate to. I'm now following you via gfc, keep in touch love x
Benish | Feminist Reflections
May I ask what is your camera lens? Your pictures are amazing