The hospital bag checklist – on every pregnant woman’s to-do list. It was strange, during my pregnancy with William and Noah, I stayed in the labour ward on five occasions, yet never ‘officially’ packed a bag. After my waters broke with William at 20 weeks, I knew it was just a matter of time before I went into labour, yet I still couldn’t bring myself to do it. When the contractions did eventually arrive four weeks later, we haphazardly stuffed items into a bag, in a haze of shock and terror. We forgot a lot, but when you know you are about to give birth to death, packing contact lenses and socks just doesn’t seem important.
Let me know what your top tip is when it comes to packing a hospital bag and you could win a £50 voucher to spend in Matalan. Just enter using the Rafflecopter widget below.

For me it's just take the basics. No need to bring all your makeup and your entire skincare routine. Just be comfortable. Relish the experience of birth.
We packed a cool bag with water, powerade and snacks (mainly Snickers!). It came in more handy for Nick than myself in the end as it's still a long day for the dads too and it meant he didn't have to miss anything by popping out to get stuff
I'm yet to have children so don't really have a tip, but I'd definitely be going for comfy knickers and PJ bottoms 🙂 Lovely post!
Jess xo
Disposable maternity knickers! So cheap and saves you washing knickers or spoiling your own!
Maternity pads as thicker and bigger than normal ones and big knickers to hold in place
Definitely lip balm and a hair bobble, but also flip flops for the showers (they were pretty gross in my hospital) and big knickers. I had an emergency C-section after a long labour and I couldn't wear my normal knickers for weeks!
That list is great and so helpful! Hair Band and Comfy Pants are important but in general being organised is the key. Magazines are also nice to flick threw.
Make sure you don't leave it till the last minute, try not to over pack and make sure you have essentials such as a flannel, lipsyl.
Don't get carried away. Someone can always bring you extras in if you need them
take whatever makes you comfortable, if your happy with a suitcase full then take it, anything that takes stress away is good for all of you 🙂
Great post! You looked so amazing when pregnant! xx
Hips Like Cinderella
Make a list x
such a good idea for new mums- will be passing it on to some pregnant pals! xx
My tip is to buy packs of cheap large pants so you ca avoid wearing the awful paper ones they give you at hospital. If they are cheap, you can just throw them away afterwards.
lip balm and fresh wipes – you could be there for a while!
Plan & pack early 🙂
Not baby related but I have chronic illness and hospital visits are frequent. I always would recommend bringing a book that you love and that you know you will enjoy time and time again. Its comforting to read, isn't disrupting for the patients and it passes the beautifully. xx
Breast pads for those leaky moments!
Write a list and pack as you find things. I kept adding little extras right up until the day I gave birth!
Write a list so you don't forget. Also pack in plenty of time!
pack it as soon as you hit your 3rd trimester!
I've never given birth but when I do I know I'll definitely have some kind of cooling spray in my hospital bag, something to keep me cool throughout!
Jade x
Beauty Butterfly | UK Beauty Blog
I haven't had kids just yet, but I have been given some useful tips that I will be following…
A comfy pillow or blanket from home (things like that can make all the difference with your comfort)
A dressing gown (dark colours are best to cover up and possible leakages – esh!)
Sugary snacks with high energy content (for mum and dad)
pack it a few weeks in advance just in case
Don't over pack
Never forget your lipbalm! I didn't pack it with my first and since water was being rationed to be as I was under an epidural, I was really miserable. Second time around, I made sure to carry it in my hand and it was such a life saver!
I've not had children, but from listening to people, top tip is do it early! Don't leave it until you are likely to have to leave in a rush
don't forget to pack plenty of snacks for both you and your husband
I made sure that we had snack packets of dried fruit that I could nibble on and drinks cartons with straws… Easy, hands free refreshment
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