The months are passing quickly, and Henry is blossoming more and more each day. I’m sure I’ll say this a lot over the years, but 12 months has been my favourite age of his so far. He has become his own little person and it is a delight to witness his quirks and traits come to the forefront.
A noticeable difference over the past few months is that he has become a lot more independent. Whereas once he wanted to be on me or next to me at all times, he now happily plays on his own and explores his environment. It is a joy to watch him in his own little world as he plays with his toy cars, stacks his cups and takes blocks in and out of his rucksack. He also loves to dance now – if he hears a tune that tickles his fancy he will bounce his legs and jiggle his little bottom with a big smile on his face.
Henry is a very cuddly little boy, much to our delight. He often toddles over to me for a hug, sucking his thumb and resting his head on my shoulder as he plays with my hair. He snuggles anything soft in sight, whether it’s a cuddly toy, a cosy blanket or a discarded fluffy sock!
Weight: 20lbs 14oz at his first year checkup.
Henry has now mastered walking and it is the sweetest thing to see him toddling around. He’s become a lot more confident with his ventures, and walks greater distances each day. I’m sure it won’t be long until he’s tearing around the house!

Beautiful photo 🙂
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He is the most beautiful little boy and sounds like an absolute joy, it's insane how fast they grow up! x
What Rachael Wrote