Sleep: Still a good little night sleeper, although he’s been frequently waking for the day before 6am, which no one enjoys. Naps vary between once or twice a day depending on how busy he’s been, but I don’t think it will be long before he completely drops an afternoon nap.
Likes: Cuddly toys. Nursery rhymes. Snuggles. These animal finger puppets (best £1.50 I’ve ever spent!) Building blocks. Books. Going to Gym Tots. But what surpasses all of these things are Henry’s two most favourite things – music and dancing. He has the cutest little chicken dance that he does, where he flaps his arms and turns his hands. He always asking us to put some music on so that he can have a boogie! He also adores throwing, kicking and running after balls, which gets him pretty excited!
Milestones: This has been the month of milestones, as Henry’s development has come on in leaps and bounds. He’s a little chatterbox, talking from morning ’til night, and he can say around 15 words now – mostly food related! He’s just learned to sing the first line of, ‘Row, Row, Row your Boat.’ His little voice is the sweetest, most angelic sound I’ve ever heard in my life. He understands everything we say so we can communicate with him really well now. We’ll ask him a question and he’ll either respond with an enthusiastic, “yeah” or a vigorous shake of the head. He can feed himself with a spoon, surprisingly neatly. He knows the moves to ‘Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes,’ and he can also point to where his tummy and feet are. He attempts to put his shoes, socks and hat on, although he still needs a little help with those things!

What a beautiful little boy 🙂
He is gorgeous 🙂 x
What a lovely update on a sweet little boy. I agree, that's a lovely age because as soon as they are talking they become little people don't they?xx
He is so cuuuuuute x
Aurelie |
What a cutie! Future heart breaker x
Aw he's so gorgeous! From now on is the absolute best age.. My daughter is 26 months and even though the moods and attitude are coming out, I love that she's her own person and love hearing the things she comes out with! x
I remember these months so well with my two. They seem to learn something new every day and they are such fun to be around. He's a gorgeous little boy!
Henry is so cute!