Another month has rolled around. This little boy is growing so fast I can’t keep up. The biggest change we’ve noticed over the past month is Henry’s newfound ability to role play. He loves to put his toys to bed – he covers them with a blanket, kisses them, and then waves goodnight! He likes to play feeding them with his spoon too. He also enjoys picking up the watering can and pretending to water the plants, even making a ‘sss’ sound to represent the sound it makes! He likes to imitate anything Matt and I do, whether it’s rubbing Vicks onto his chest like mummy does, or pretending to pour some products into the water like daddy does when he runs the bath. It’s so sweet to see him learning from us!
Last week, Henry stayed for four nights at his Granny and Grandad’s house, whilst Matt and I flew to Virginia to view some properties. It was the first time he and I have ever been apart for more than a few hours, so I was a little apprehensive. Besides an initial bottom lip tremble and a few tears when we said goodbye, he coped brilliantly. He adores my mum so I knew they’d have fun together. He had a wonderful time, going for walks, playing with his cousins, running around at soft play and enjoying lots of cuddles!
With each passing day, we discover more of Henry’s personality. He is such a loving, sweet and good little boy. Of course, there is the occasional temper tantrum where he picks up and throws whatever is in close proximity, with a scrunched-up, cross little face, but overall, he is an absolute delight and I LOVE the toddler stage. He’s my happy little companion and we have so much fun together, chatting, laughing and playing. As always, I’m so thankful that I am with him everyday and that he gets to be raised by his mama. He has an adventurous spirit, a loving nature, and a cheeky sense of humour. I fall in love with him all over again, every day. He is the best thing that’s ever happened to me and I feel so blessed to have him in my life.

He is such a gorgeous boy! I remember our first face planks all to well. It's a horrid feeling as you run to them to get them up. You worry about what will be there or not there. Glad to read it was just a graze but still horrid for you both all the same.
aw what a sweetheart! Our extended family grew a bit recently, and I love watching their little girl grow up! she is about 9 months old now, but being around every few weekends we have seen so many milestones! I can't wait for her to learn to talk so we can chit chat!
He looks and sound delightfully happy. He seems to have gotten past his mummy only phase which must be nice for you as well as the people around you (many wont say but it can be a bit upsetting from the other side when they don't even want a quick cuddle with you). Fingers crossed for his independant phase, i'm sure its lovely watching him become his own little man. xxx