Although it explores grief, it is not exclusive to it, so whether or not you have lost a loved one, it has so much to offer – a guidebook of sorts, showing us how to unravel the layers of our lives and explore what we find in order to better understand ourselves, our relationships, and our path. Each chapter culminates in a small creative exercise for you to reflect upon and apply to your own life. It’s all about finding yourself, reconnecting with your creative side, and learning to appreciate yourself.
This method not only transformed our space, it altered our mindset too. After reading this book, we got rid of 60% of the stuff we’d accumulated. It felt liberating to discard clothes which had been hanging in the wardrobe, untouched, for years. We donated dozens of bags filled with clothes, shoes, books, household items and knick knacks to charity. Unsurprisingly, we don’t miss any of it. Now our home is streamlined, our wardrobes filled with clothes we love, our home accessories carefully curated to bring us joy. I feel so much lighter, more free, since the change.

This books sound awesome! Especially the Oprah Winfrey book got my attention.
I have read the Oprah book and found it momentous and life changing. The idea of the decluttering book is great. Might have to pick it up over the weekend!
Definitely books I will have to check out, I am trying to read more.
Zeynab x
The Beauty Load
I think I need The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying, I'm rubbish at it!
Imogen’s Typewriter. <3
Nice collection 🙂 I read them as well …