Henry has changed and learned more in the last month than any other time span before. When I read back on his 16 month update I can’t believe it was only a month ago. He seems so much more developed, and I can see him turning into a big boy right before my eyes. I know I keep saying it, but this is the most fun stage so far. I expect he will just get more and more amazing as he grows older and we discover even more of his personality! He understands everything we say, and if we ask him to do/fetch something, he will. There are times when we discover he understands a word and wonder how he possibly came to learn it – he must pick up so much more than we realise. It is so incredible to actually be able to communicate with him and do fun things together!
The Lovely Stuff: Henry is a delight. He is just the happiest little boy and really demonstrates to Matt and I how much he loves us. I adore the moments when he runs to us, an excited little grin on his face, throws his chubby arms around us and squeezes our necks so tight (stroking our hair too, if he’s feeling extra loving!) It makes me so happy to see him happy, it really is the best feeling.
He is as loving as ever, giving us cuddles and kisses, looking after his beloved bunny by tucking him up, brushing his hair and pretending to feed him. I love our family morning times, when we bring him to our bed after he’s woken and enjoy snuggles and lots of giggles as he rolls around the bed with glee as we tickle him. It is the sweetest thing when he says mama and reaches his arms up for a cuddle. Sometimes I hear him call for me in the morning when Matt collects him from his cot, and it melts my heart. He waves and says bye bye to both people and places when we leave somewhere.
Then there’s Henry’s wild side. He is a rambunctious little boy, craving rough and tumble time with his daddy. I love to watch Henry and Matt together, and their blossoming relationship. Henry loves to be chased, which always results in fits of laughter, and he loves to initiate a tickle fight/wrestling match – which usually ends with Matt sporting some injuries!
Henry was also an absolute dream on the flight to the USA. He enjoyed the toys I’d packed for him, and spent the entire time happily playing, watching some CBeebies and even managed an hour’s nap. There were no tantrums and no tears – it could not have gone better and we were so proud of him.
Milestones: Henry has always been a chatterbox, but his vocabulary is growing by the day. His most recent words are ‘balloon’ (they’re just about the best thing he’s ever encountered), ‘please’ (oh so cute!) and ‘bath time,’ but at a guess, I think he can say around 30 words now. He’s had plenty of molars come through, so I think we’re now only a few teeth short of a full set. He can run, climb, use a fork and communicate his wants and desires with us.
We love this little boy so much. We tell him about 500 times a day (always hoping that he’ll say it back!) but really we could never say it enough. My little ray of sunshine.

Ah bless him, he's lovely. It is so hard to discipline them at this age isn't it!? Ethan throws full on tantrums a lot lately and really tests us and it's so hard to know how to approach that as a parent at his age. Hope you're settling in well. x
He's so handsome! Glad to hear all is well in America.
How wonderful, he's changed so much. It's lovely that you share this with us. He's definitely a proper little boy now, you can really see it in these photos. Where they taken in America? If so what wonderful sunshine. It's great that he's adapted so well already. Discipline is very hard, especially when they're young and if you tell them a firm no they have a meltdown or give you the most heartbreaking look. I commend you on sticking to your guns though, it's incredibly vital at this stage so he knows who's in charge and who has the final say. It will really be worth it when he's older. I so hope things continue to go well and can't wait when your ready to share things about your New home! Xx
I'm waiting for that joyous 'love you mama' too, yet to come at 21 months! He sounds like such a well behaved little one, so glad the flight was a success! I also know what you mean about how to go about telling off someone who is just testing the water with everything they do/try/see. It is really hard and I don't think there is a right or wrong, I think it's just best to trust your instincts!
Wow! He looks so different, what a growth spurt.
Imogen’s Typewriter. <3
Aww what a handsome little boy! I loved this stage. And when he tells you he loves you…aww just wait, it's the most amazing thing ever.
What a cutie! and those gorgeous blue eyes. These photos are so good too.
He is so cute! I love his crazy hair in the last photo!
He is beautiful!