There is just one month left before I leave my 20s behind. Birthdays are always a time of reflection, and even more so on the precipice of a new decade. Your 20s are the first decade of adulthood, so in many ways it’s a time for finding yourself, discovering who you are and what you want to be. It’s a major transitional period and I love that I can look back at the last 10 years and track my self development. What a change there has been.
I have never had a greater sense of self than I do now. I know who I am, what I want, my core beliefs and values, my passions and strengths, my shortcomings and flaws. It is such a blessing to truly know yourself, and be comfortable with yourself. It brings a sense of peace and calm to the soul. I was lost. For a long time. Caught in a web between going after what I thought I wanted, or what society had conditioned me to want, and what I truly wanted and needed. It took many years and difficulties to get to this place, but now I’ve discovered it, I know it is here to stay.
I feel wise beyond my years. Aged. But I feel good. It is with perfect clarity that I see myself, my family, our life, and where we want to be. I don’t want to waste another day. William and Noah didn’t even get that. It is hard, but I am learning. I have embraced authentic and intentional living and I will remain true to myself. Letting go of things that no longer serve me has lifted my soul on a level I couldn’t have comprehended before I had done it. I have rid myself and my environment of physical and mental clutter, which has given me space for clarity. I have let go of toxic people, relationships, material possessions, and it is liberating.

I have plans and aspirations for our life, and it all seems to centre around questioning the status quo. A new chapter, a new beginning, that happens to coincide with my 30th year on this earth. I could reel of a bucket list, but the things I want cannot be checked off a list. They are enduring, they are a lifestyle, they are infinite.
As it always has been, it is the people within your life that make a difference, and the peace and happiness felt within you that matters most.
So I will continue to strive to find that balance, to shape my life, our life, into something we want it to be, and to nurture and nourish the love that created us.
Unschooling, digital nomading, veganism, essential oils, self care, mindfulness, manifesting, Buddhism, minimal and simple living. These are all concepts and lifestyles I have learned about in the past year and have chosen to encompass. It’s still a process, it’s just the beginning, but I am so excited about the new path I’m taking. My 30s are for creating the life I crave, fulfilling my potential, and achieving my dreams, now that I have the clarity and passion for what I want. It is an exciting time.
I am embracing moving into my 30s. I cherish every day that I am given, it is a gift, but yet moving into a new decade marks the closing of another chapter, and I always find that bittersweet. With each passing year, time seems to move ever more quickly. Perhaps it is that having children and watching their rapid growth and development epitomises the passing of time in a way that we didn’t have witness to before.
Slow down, time, sweet friend.
I want a moment to savor you.

I have really loved by 30s….there’s a lovely kind of confidence that comes with it…I’m edging slowly towards 40 now so not sure how I’ll feel about that!
Love this post xx