This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of “Walmart Baby Savings Days”. The opinions and text are all mine. As a mama of three kids, I find I’m always needing to buy something for one of them. Whether it’s a new car seat, potty training items, or clothes and shoes, their needs are constant and ever changing. I like to have a trusted one-stop shop that I…
Simple Springtime Activities for Toddlers
This post is sponsored by Carter’s; however, all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own. The other day I found myself sorting through my little girl’s closet once again, reluctantly selecting the baby clothes that no longer fit her and folding them to later put away in storage. This activity always tugs on my heartstrings. Each piece of clothing holds a memory, a moment in time; and packing it away signifies the end of…
A Rustic Floral Themed 1st Birthday
Our darling Everly Rose is now one! Her big day was celebrated a couple of weekends ago with a rustic floral themed party. I’m loving boho vibes at the moment so I couldn’t resist incorporating elements into her special day. It was a happy day (although Henry struggled with understanding why the presents weren’t for him and there were tears – nobody warned me about that!) where Everly delighted in opening her presents…
Our Baby Bedtime Routine
This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #EveryoneSleeps #CollectiveBias Every parent lives in hope for the moment their baby sleeps through the night. With Henry, sleep was a battle when he suffered with silent reflux, but once it was under control at 12 weeks, he was a dream baby and slept for a solid 12 hours. Then Everly came along,…
Five Months with Everly Rose
Was there ever a sweeter vision than the gentle curve of those soft cheeks, those long lashes that frame those deep blue eyes that have given me insight into myself, and those delicate rosebud lips that find me. Everly has been with us for five months in person, and with each day she shows us more of her soul. When she is herself, she is quiet and at ease. She gives…
Life With Two Children
Life with two children is busy. And exhausting. As a stay-at-home mama, my day is a balancing act between meeting the needs of three people. It is a never-ending cycle of nursing, diaper changes, toddler tantrums, meal preparation, rocking to sleep, playing, tidying up, washing clothes and folding laundry. It’s also laughter and silliness, cuddles and kisses, the joy of watching your children interact – sometimes with giggles, sometimes with…
10 Natural Teething Remedies
Excessive drooling, red cheeks, irritability, constant gnawing on fingers and toes…. these are all the symptoms of teething and mean your little one is getting ready to sprout those first tiny milk teeth. When it comes to teething, I prefer to reach for natural remedies over medication, and I’ve tried an assortment of different products in the search of something that will help ease the pain of my little one’s…
Co-Sleeping With The BabyBay
When I was pregnant with our baby girl, I spent hours searching for the right place for her to sleep for the first six months of her life. Whereas Henry had slept in a moses basket, and then a small crib besides our bed, I knew I wanted something different this time around. I’d read about the benefits of co-sleeping, (or side-sleeping), and I’d also become a lot more aware…
Breastfeeding – The Essentials
Breastfeeding requires a lot of dedication and perseverance, and it can actually be difficult to get the hang of it – for both mama and baby. So anything which makes it that bit more comfortable and easy to manage can be a lifesaver, especially in the early days when you’re dealing with engorged breasts, cracked nipples and hours upon hours of nursing. So for all of you mamas out there…
Everly’s First Easter
I hope all my lovely readers had a wonderful Easter break, despite what I hear the weather was like back in the UK! Easter is a big holiday here in the US. The stores are filled with all the Easter paraphernalia you can think of – ready filled Easter baskets, an entire 30ft aisle filled with an assortment of egg shaped candy and chocolate, books, crafts, toys and religious items….
The Reflux Baby Survival Kit
Henry had severe silent reflux disease as a baby, and it took 3 months before he was even diagnosed as having GERD by a paediatrician. For those who have never had a GERD baby, it means constant screaming and baby being very difficult to get to sleep and stay asleep. It was an unimaginably hellish three months, and Matt and I had to quickly find a way to help soothe…
Everly Rose at 3 Months
She is almost four months old, our Everly Rose. How swiftly time has taken our days, replacing those warm, sleepy newborn cuddles with an active yet placid baby girl, who is quickly learning how to clutch onto things that she desires. She gazes at me, her mother, with those big beautiful eyes that follow me as I move, her face lighting up as I approach her. I wonder what she…