Although I absolutely love breastfeeding Everly, sometimes it can feel a little overwhelming, being the sole source of nourishment for your baby. So I was keen to introduce her to a bottle once she hit the 7 week mark, which would give me the freedom of being away from her for more than a few hours if needed. I was looking for a bottle which would allow me to feed…
My True Love
I’m in love with a boy. He has shown me a new way of viewing the world. For him, everything is an adventure, and he finds wonder in things I once found ordinary. We sit and gaze up at the trees that surround us, his fingers in my hair and the glow of the late afternoon sun warming our faces, and he tells me about all the things that intrigue…
Life With Everly Rose – 2 Months Old
I wish time would slow down a little. I cannot believe our little girl who I swear was only just born is now almost three months old. I’ve already had to pack away a whole bundle of clothing that she’d outgrown which was an emotional ordeal, and she’s racing through so many milestones. Everly is such a content, happy little thing. She rarely cries, and gives constant smiles. I adore…
Becoming A Big Brother
A sudden cry fills the previously peaceful space, and seconds later, the fast thunder of tiny feet running. Henry, racing to comfort his baby sister, his desire to reach her so great he doesn’t even question dropping his treasured collection of cars in favour of rushing to her rescue. “It’s alright Evvy, don’t cry little one,” his soft little voice says, and I look over from where I’m stood in…
Everly Rose – 1 Month Old
Life seems to go into super speed when you have a newborn. The last 7 weeks have absolutely flown by and it’s difficult to remember a time when Everly wasn’t with us. I’d been very apprehensive about the newborn stage with our baby girl, as we had such a horrendous time with Henry due to his undiagnosed gastroesophageal reflux disease and cows milk allergy. Thankfully, Everly has been so much…
Our Christmas in Virginia
I hope you all had the most wonderful Christmas and that this festive season has been filled with joy and happiness. Mine was spent with Matt and the children, and for the first time in my life, I didn’t spend Christmas Day with my parents and brothers. Having grown up in a big family, which is even larger now with my sister-in-laws and five nieces and nephews (there’s 16 of…
My Darling Daughter
She gives dimpled smiles as she drifts off into a milky slumber, warm in my arms. A laugh escapes her lips and her face lights up – a glimpse of a little girl I’m yet to know. What mirth her dreams must bring. The sweet wisps of her dainty dandelion lashes curl upwards, so delicate they might float away on a breeze. Her tufts of chestnut brown hair are as soft as…
Christmas Gift Guide – For Babies
I love buying gifts for little ones who revel in the magic of Christmas. Henry’s at an age now where he gets very excited about presents and requests particular toys, so it was easy to select gifts that I know will delight him, but little Everly – our baby of the family – will only be four weeks old, so I was a little lost as to what to buy…
Everly Rose: A Birth Story
Three weeks ago we welcomed our sweet baby girl into this world. It is amazing how time flies, it only feels like yesterday that I was heavily pregnant, yet it’s strange to think of a time when we didn’t have her with us. Matt has had the last 3 weeks off work on paternity leave so we’ve enjoyed some precious time together, creating new and beautiful memories as a family…
Introducing Everly Rose…
Introducing our darling baby girl, Everly Rose, born on Friday 20th November at 8.07pm, weighing 8lbs 3oz. – – – After writing my 40 week pregnancy update, and going along to our last OB appointment where we booked an induction for the following week, Everly decided she didn’t want to wait any longer and arrived right on her due date! It was an intense and traumatic 2 hour labour which…