The hospital bag checklist – on every pregnant woman’s to-do list. It was strange, during my pregnancy with William and Noah, I stayed in the labour ward on five occasions, yet never ‘officially’ packed a bag. After my waters broke with William at 20 weeks, I knew it was just a matter of time before I went into labour, yet I still couldn’t bring myself to do it. When the…
Our Rainbow Baby
“A rainbow baby is a baby who is born after a parent loses a child. It is the understanding that the beauty of a rainbow does not negate the ravages of the storm. When a rainbow appears, it does not mean the storm never happened or that we are not still dealing with its aftermath. It means that something beautiful and full of light has appeared in the midst of the darkness…
Life Lately
Just over one week to go until my due date. Everyone is excited. We’re excited. We can’t help but imagine the moment we will get to see and hold our baby. We can’t help but imagine what it might be like to return home as three instead of two. What it would be like to feed, to cuddle, to bathe, and talk to our baby.But it is impossible to picture all this and not think about…
BabyBeau Ellie Changing Bag
If you’re a handbag kind of girl, one of the more exciting purchases when you’re preparing for the arrival of a baby is the changing bag. I knew my beloved Mulberry and Miu Miu bags would be taking a back seat, so I wanted to replace them with a chic changing bag which didn’t look like a changing bag. Much of the bags on offer seem to be quite gaudy and bright, whereas I was looking…
37 Weeks Pregnancy Update
It’s been a while since my last pregnancy update, life has been busy and the days have flown by. I’m finally full term. It seems unbelievable that in less than three weeks time, we might actually have a baby to care for. We have waited so long for this moment. It was June last year when we found out I was pregnant with William and Noah. Now, over 400 days later, we might…
Pregnancy Essentials
Once I reach the end of this pregnancy in a few weeks time, I’ll have been pregnant for a whopping 15 months out of the last 17. I’ve forgotten what it’s like not to be pregnant by this point, so I thought I’d list the essential items that I’ve relied on during both my pregnancies… Baby Books/Apps I’ve acquired quite a collection of baby books. My favourites are Your Pregnancy Bible – which gives…
Blooming Baby Showers
One of the fun parts in the last stages of pregnancy is the baby shower. Although mostly a celebration recognised in the USA, the trend seems to be filtering through to the UK and more women are enjoying a pre-baby party to catch up with friends and family before the new baby arrives. Blooming Baby Showers have created a beautiful range of stationary and partyware for the ultimate baby shower. As…
32 Weeks Pregnancy Update
– – 53 days to go until my due date! – – Baby I’m often woken up in the early morning with twists and turns, which is a lovely feeling. The dramatic kicks I used to feel are few and far between now due to the reduced space, and instead it’s a day of tidal wave rolls and little feet poking about, giving my bump a peculiar shape. Our little one…
Seraphine Luxe Multiway Dress
Dresses have been my preference when it comes to maternity clothing, for their comfort and simplicity. One of my favourite dresses to wear during my pregnancy has been the Seraphine Luxe Multiway Dress, which can be styled in six different ways using the ties at the front of the dress. One shouldered, with sleeves, twisted Grecian style, halter neck – these are all options which are quick and easy to achieve….
Daisy & Bump Nursery Art
When I started picturing how I wanted the baby’s room to look, I began searching for nursery art to liven up the walls. A lot of what I found featured very bold and colourful graphic prints, whereas I wanted something softer and more whimsical. I then stumbled across the beautiful Daisy & Bump collection and instantly fell in love with the mix of pastel watercolour with 3D craft techniques to bring the characters to life. Each piece is hand-made by…