When Henry was born, I did what any new parent does – I took thousands of photographs. I wanted to capture every detail, every marvellous curve and feature of this miraculous little being that Matt and I had created. I was enthralled by him, mesmerised by his miniature perfection. We live in a world where it is easier than ever to capture the moment. My iPhone captures sweet spontaneous moments, whilst…
Jo Malone Earl Grey & Cucumber Cologne
I seem to have avoided the Jo Malone hype for some time – I think I was overwhelmed by the huge array of fragrances available, coupled with the fact they’re on the expensive side and I already own enough perfumes to last a lifetime. But I decided to set aside some time and spend a while in store to see what the fuss was about. Armed with a handful of…
Daily Greatness Journal
I stumbled across this beautiful journal just in time for the new year. With our upcoming move to the USA, there are all sorts of plans and goals we want to put in place, in the hope that they will lead to a better life, and this journal is the ideal accompaniment. The Daily Greatness Journal: A Practical Guide for Consciously Creating Your Days is a motivating and self-reflective diary, planner and…
New Beginnings – Moving to America
“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny, but ourselves” – William Shakespeare The beginning of a new year is the ultimate time for reflection and mindfulness. Where we are, where we have been, where we’re going. The past year has been the first good year for Matt and I in a long time. The end of 2012 and beginning of 2013 marked itself as the most…