In my last post I talked about keeping Christmas simple. It’s easy to get caught up in the consumerism surrounding the festive season, but this year I’m focusing on keeping it minimal and meaningful. Embracing minimalism and simple living doesn’t mean missing out on the most exciting parts of Christmas, though. Some of my fondest childhood memories are waking up ridiculously early on Christmas morning and creeping downstairs to marvel at the twinkling…
Keeping Christmas Simple
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas. And Christmas these days is the season for coveting, envy and desire. We’re inundated with images of the “perfect” holiday season. The twinkling outdoor lights, and the perfectly decorated 10 foot tree. The festive cushions, and the perfectly displayed tablescape. It’s easy to fall for the magic of the holiday season, to step into the fantasy of being able to buy the perfect Christmas. Whereas once…
A Rustic Floral Themed 1st Birthday
Our darling Everly Rose is now one! Her big day was celebrated a couple of weekends ago with a rustic floral themed party. I’m loving boho vibes at the moment so I couldn’t resist incorporating elements into her special day. It was a happy day (although Henry struggled with understanding why the presents weren’t for him and there were tears – nobody warned me about that!) where Everly delighted in opening her presents…
Autumn in Virginia
Can you believe how quickly being on the cusp of autumn has turned into the anticipation of winter? As the last of the leaves flutter down and the promise of Christmas beckons with its magic, I can’t help but feel wistful about the unexpected pleasure of a season that I had been apprehensive about. I recently wrote about trauma anniversary reaction, and how autumn holds a sense of melancholy for me. Part…