We recently welcomed Hercule the Elephant into our home. Don’t you just love his ribbed green sweater and cute little hat? Hercule is a vegetarian and grows radishes on the windowsill. Very good at darning socks, he also enjoys watchings rockets go into space. As Henry’s first knitted toy, he holds a very special place in the nursery. There is something nostalgic and quaint about knitted toys, and I love the modern twist given…
Baby Travel Essentials
After returning home from a lovely two week holiday in Kalkan, I thought it might be helpful to other mums to put together a few baby holiday essentials. Apart from the obvious items such as high factor sun cream, hats, favourite toys and swimming gear, these are the items we found made the whole travelling-with-a-baby experience a lot easier… 1. SnoozeShade – Essentially a blackout blind for the pushchair and carseat. This…
Henry’s 7 Month Update
Romper from Zara Mini ~ Flat Cap, Anchor Shorts & Trilby Hat from H&M Weight: Henry weighed 17lbs 15oz at his 7 month visit, which means I finally got him back up to the 50th percentile, hooray! Health: Healthy little bubba. I can’t quite believe we’ve managed seven months without so much as a cough or cold! Routine: Henry has naturally developed his own routine, so I now know when all…
What’s In My Changing Bag
The contents of Henry’s changing bag is ever evolving as he grows and develops. When he was a newborn, the necessities such as nappies, wipes, nappy bags and a change of outfit were all I needed, but now he’s keen to explore the world, there are a few extra items I always take with us… Henry’s currently teething (we can spy his two front teeth peeping through his gums but…