Baby Henry has started his weaning journey! I’d had everything ready for a few months – a cupboard full of spoons, freezer pots, trainer cups and baby porridge awaited me, alongside the ever popular Annabel Karmel’s Baby & Toddler Meal Planner. We started things off when Henry was 24 weeks old, trying him with a few teaspoons of porridge (see below for his reaction!) He’s since experienced the delights of carrot and…
eBay Collections
I’m always been a huge fan of eBay. In my student years it was my way of earning a little extra cash – sourcing great clothes, styling them and then selling them on for a profit. These days, I turn to the famous online auction site to find hidden gems at great prices – secondhand furniture that simply needs a new coat of paint, a hand knitted bobble hat for baby,…
Shabby to Chic – Upcycled Wooden Highchair
As a fan of upcycling, I knew my hobby would also extend to any baby related furniture we’d acquire. Henry’s nursery is a testament to my love for reviving second hand furniture (a nursery tour will be coming up shortly!), so when it came to looking for a highchair for him, I knew I wanted something unique and vintage. After missing out at an antique auction, I finally managed to source this beautiful wooden…
Baby Bedtime Routine
Every parent lives in hope for the day their baby sleeps through the night. When Henry’s silent reflux was at its worst, sleep was a battle. It would often take hours to rock him to sleep, he would wake continuously throughout the night, often just an hour after he’d fallen asleep, and all three of us were completely exhausted. We considered it a good night if Henry managed to sleep 3…