There is just one month left before I leave my 20s behind. Birthdays are always a time of reflection, and even more so on the precipice of a new decade. Your 20s are the first decade of adulthood, so in many ways it’s a time for finding yourself, discovering who you are and what you want to be. It’s a major transitional period and I love that I can look back at the last…
Loving Your Postpartum Body
A woman’s relationship with her postpartum body is a complex one. It is a body which has given life to another human; a precious new soul, through nourishment and safety. It has endured the intensity of birth. It is truly miraculous and awe inspiring. Then there’s the inevitable changes to a woman’s body that come hand-in-hand with pregnancy and birth, which can be difficult to accept. The weight gain. The stretch marks. The loss…
Coping with Trauma Anniversary Reaction
These days, I know to expect it. As the end of August nears, the panic rises, the night sweats begin. I wake up in the darkness to the cries of my daughter, and discover I am soaked, my chest slick with sweat. The days bring a heavy melancholy, a sadness I can’t quite place, and the tears, always on the precipice, come easily. As September arrives and the promise of…
Making Memories & Messes
What kind of home do you have? What kind of environment do you hope to create? For me, I want to be the kind of mother who makes my children laugh, who says yes to adventures, running barefoot in the garden and indoor picnics. Who gets up and dances with them, builds forts and plays with water indoors, jumps on beds and makes messes with them. I want to be a mother who creates a…