Was there ever a sweeter vision than the gentle curve of those soft cheeks, those long lashes that frame those deep blue eyes that have given me insight into myself, and those delicate rosebud lips that find me. Everly has been with us for five months in person, and with each day she shows us more of her soul. When she is herself, she is quiet and at ease. She gives…
Life With Two Children
Life with two children is busy. And exhausting. As a stay-at-home mama, my day is a balancing act between meeting the needs of three people. It is a never-ending cycle of nursing, diaper changes, toddler tantrums, meal preparation, rocking to sleep, playing, tidying up, washing clothes and folding laundry. It’s also laughter and silliness, cuddles and kisses, the joy of watching your children interact – sometimes with giggles, sometimes with…
How to Overcome A Traumatic Birth Experience
Traumatic birth experiences. As if childbirth isn’t emotionally and physically difficult enough as it is, there’s those who will have a birth experience that will leave them traumatised, and possibly with PTSD. I’ve been unfortunate in that all three of my birth experiences have been traumatic – enduring 12 hours of labour with William and Noah, knowing that they would die soon after their birth; the anxiety during Henry’s labour…
10 Natural Teething Remedies
Excessive drooling, red cheeks, irritability, constant gnawing on fingers and toes…. these are all the symptoms of teething and mean your little one is getting ready to sprout those first tiny milk teeth. When it comes to teething, I prefer to reach for natural remedies over medication, and I’ve tried an assortment of different products in the search of something that will help ease the pain of my little one’s…