When I was pregnant with our baby girl, I spent hours searching for the right place for her to sleep for the first six months of her life. Whereas Henry had slept in a moses basket, and then a small crib besides our bed, I knew I wanted something different this time around. I’d read about the benefits of co-sleeping, (or side-sleeping), and I’d also become a lot more aware…
Breastfeeding – The Essentials
Breastfeeding requires a lot of dedication and perseverance, and it can actually be difficult to get the hang of it – for both mama and baby. So anything which makes it that bit more comfortable and easy to manage can be a lifesaver, especially in the early days when you’re dealing with engorged breasts, cracked nipples and hours upon hours of nursing. So for all of you mamas out there…
Everly’s First Easter
I hope all my lovely readers had a wonderful Easter break, despite what I hear the weather was like back in the UK! Easter is a big holiday here in the US. The stores are filled with all the Easter paraphernalia you can think of – ready filled Easter baskets, an entire 30ft aisle filled with an assortment of egg shaped candy and chocolate, books, crafts, toys and religious items….
The Reflux Baby Survival Kit
Henry had severe silent reflux disease as a baby, and it took 3 months before he was even diagnosed as having GERD by a paediatrician. For those who have never had a GERD baby, it means constant screaming and baby being very difficult to get to sleep and stay asleep. It was an unimaginably hellish three months, and Matt and I had to quickly find a way to help soothe…