I adore BabyBeau changing bags. They’re the ultimate mother’s accessory, transforming what could be a dull purchase into something chic, sophisticated and classic. The beauty of Babybeau bags lies in their aesthetics. Their stylish designs and high quality materials mean they look more designer bag than changing bag, which is ideal for all fashionista mamas. I’ve loved, adored and used my Ellie changing bag almost daily since Henry was born, but…
What’s In My Changing Bag
The contents of Henry’s changing bag is ever evolving as he grows and develops. When he was a newborn, the necessities such as nappies, wipes, nappy bags and a change of outfit were all I needed, but now he’s keen to explore the world, there are a few extra items I always take with us… Henry’s currently teething (we can spy his two front teeth peeping through his gums but…
BabyBeau Ellie Changing Bag
If you’re a handbag kind of girl, one of the more exciting purchases when you’re preparing for the arrival of a baby is the changing bag. I knew my beloved Mulberry and Miu Miu bags would be taking a back seat, so I wanted to replace them with a chic changing bag which didn’t look like a changing bag. Much of the bags on offer seem to be quite gaudy and bright, whereas I was looking…