I hope all my lovely readers had a wonderful Easter break, despite what I hear the weather was like back in the UK! Easter is a big holiday here in the US. The stores are filled with all the Easter paraphernalia you can think of – ready filled Easter baskets, an entire 30ft aisle filled with an assortment of egg shaped candy and chocolate, books, crafts, toys and religious items….
First Snow
There is something quite magical about snow. The way it glitters on the ground, so pure and fresh. It’s not something you see too frequently in England, so to witness a Virginian snowstorm, in all its white fury, was a mesmerising sight. It came down in a thick, fast flurry, settling heavily on all that lay beneath it, transforming our world into a real life snow globe. After the blizzard…
Our First Family Holiday – Kalkan 2014
We all need a break sometimes. A place to retreat, where you can let your guard down and take time to rest and relax. Matt, Henry and I recently returned from our first family holiday where we created some special memories. The past two years have been incredibly difficult for us, so it came as a much needed break. A high risk twin pregnancy with the knowledge that one of…