If you’re a handbag kind of girl, one of the more exciting purchases when you’re preparing for the arrival of a baby is the changing bag. I knew my beloved Mulberry and Miu Miu bags would be taking a back seat, so I wanted to replace them with a chic changing bag which didn’t look like a changing bag. Much of the bags on offer seem to be quite gaudy and bright, whereas I was looking…
Miu Miu Vitello Lux Bow Bag
I’d been coveting the beautiful Miu Miu Vitello Bow Bag for years, so one day, I decided to save for it. I reached my goal more quickly than I thought, but rather than buying the bag of my dreams, something was holding me back. I went to visit the Miu Miu store in London to see and touch the bags in real life, but I wasn’t overly keen on any…