When we planned our recent holiday to the Outer Banks in North Carolina, I knew it would be the perfect opportunity to have some beautiful beach maternity photos taken right by the ocean. There is something so serene and beautiful about being by the sea, and with the warm glow of the sunset, it was just the perfect place for a pregnancy shoot. I wanted a few special photos of…
Matalan Hospital Bag Checklist & Giveaway
The hospital bag checklist – on every pregnant woman’s to-do list. It was strange, during my pregnancy with William and Noah, I stayed in the labour ward on five occasions, yet never ‘officially’ packed a bag. After my waters broke with William at 20 weeks, I knew it was just a matter of time before I went into labour, yet I still couldn’t bring myself to do it. When the…
Newborn Essentials
It can be quite overwhelming planning for your new arrival. The baby market is bursting with items, and it’s all too easy to start thinking you need absolutely everything! Here are the items that we relied on in the first few months after Henry’s arrival… Izziwotnot Gift White Wicker Moses Basket When I pictured my ideal moses basket, I envisioned something beautiful and fresh looking. The Izziwotnot White Wicker moses basket is exactly that…
Style Essentials – The Blouse
As Autumn approaches and my pregnancy is nearing an end, it’s time to start looking for a few items to update my wardrobe for the new season. Dorothy Perkins have made this easy with their AW13 Style Essentials – a range of ten key pieces which are versatile, easy to wear, and work within your existing wardrobe. There are some items which every women should own to create a timeless capsule wardrobe,…
Seraphine Luxe Multiway Dress
Dresses have been my preference when it comes to maternity clothing, for their comfort and simplicity. One of my favourite dresses to wear during my pregnancy has been the Seraphine Luxe Multiway Dress, which can be styled in six different ways using the ties at the front of the dress. One shouldered, with sleeves, twisted Grecian style, halter neck – these are all options which are quick and easy to achieve….
30 Weeks Pregnancy Update
I’m now three quarters of the way through the pregnancy, I can’t believe how close it’s getting! Symptom wise, the exhaustion I experienced in the first trimester has returned full force, so I’ve re-welcomed a much needed daily nap into my routine. Braxton hicks have now become a regular occurrence, with a few painless contractions each day. Sleep has become more elusive, as this is when heartburn most often makes an appearance…
28 Weeks Pregnancy Update
This week marks the beginning of the third trimester, which is new territory for me and something which I am so grateful for. One of my pregnancy apps informs me I have 82 days to go, which doesn’t sound long at all! This week has been filled with appointments – a glucose tolerance test, (which was just a formality as it’s usually reserved for women with a high BMI, but necessary…
DIY Maternity Photo Shoot
With the recent glorious sunshine the UK has been receiving, I thought it the perfect opportunity to head outdoors for a DIY Maternity Photo Shoot. We didn’t get any proper photos during my pregnancy with William and Noah as I was in and out of hospital so frequently and on bed rest at home in between. So this time, I was keen to get some shots of my growing bump which I could treasure for…
25 Weeks Pregnancy Update
25 weeks already. This pregnancy has raced by so far, much to my relief, and I’m now further along than I ever was with William and Noah. My bump is now almost the same size as it was when I went into labour with our twins, but I’ve needed to buy some new maternity clothes as I’m pregnant in a completely different season, so I’ve been enjoying dresses and t-shirts rather than…