Life seems to go into super speed when you have a newborn. The last 7 weeks have absolutely flown by and it’s difficult to remember a time when Everly wasn’t with us. I’d been very apprehensive about the newborn stage with our baby girl, as we had such a horrendous time with Henry due to his undiagnosed gastroesophageal reflux disease and cows milk allergy. Thankfully, Everly has been so much…
My Darling Daughter
She gives dimpled smiles as she drifts off into a milky slumber, warm in my arms. A laugh escapes her lips and her face lights up – a glimpse of a little girl I’m yet to know. What mirth her dreams must bring. The sweet wisps of her dainty dandelion lashes curl upwards, so delicate they might float away on a breeze. Her tufts of chestnut brown hair are as soft as…
Everly Rose: A Birth Story
Three weeks ago we welcomed our sweet baby girl into this world. It is amazing how time flies, it only feels like yesterday that I was heavily pregnant, yet it’s strange to think of a time when we didn’t have her with us. Matt has had the last 3 weeks off work on paternity leave so we’ve enjoyed some precious time together, creating new and beautiful memories as a family…
Introducing Everly Rose…
Introducing our darling baby girl, Everly Rose, born on Friday 20th November at 8.07pm, weighing 8lbs 3oz. – – – After writing my 40 week pregnancy update, and going along to our last OB appointment where we booked an induction for the following week, Everly decided she didn’t want to wait any longer and arrived right on her due date! It was an intense and traumatic 2 hour labour which…
The Third Trimester + 40 Week Pregnancy Update
Here I am at 40 weeks pregnant, and I am so ready to meet our little girl. By this point with Henry, he’d already been with us for a few days, so it feels strange to be waiting for her arrival still. Over the last few weeks I’ve had a couple of episodes of contractions lasting an hour or so and then stopping, which has been frustrating as we get…
Our Family Beach Maternity Shoot
When we planned our recent holiday to the Outer Banks in North Carolina, I knew it would be the perfect opportunity to have some beautiful beach maternity photos taken right by the ocean. There is something so serene and beautiful about being by the sea, and with the warm glow of the sunset, it was just the perfect place for a pregnancy shoot. I wanted a few special photos of…
Pregnancy Update – 32 Weeks
It’s been a long time since my last pregnancy update. Life is busy with an energetic toddler, which leaves little time to do much else. This pregnancy has flown by and I still can’t quite believe that I’ll be giving birth soon. I’ve slowly been adding to the nursery, I love sitting in there and looking at all the beautiful items we’ve collected for our baby girl. We just need…
Pregnancy Update – 23 Weeks
How far along? 23 weeks + 2 Total weight gain/measurements: After losing almost a stone due to severe nausea and sickness in the first trimester, my weight remained static for another 2 months, but I’ve now finally started gaining and I’ve returned to my pre-pregnancy weight. It’s a relief to be gaining again as I enjoy getting bigger in pregnancy. I remember how breastfeeding made the weight fall off and I…
Baby’s Gender Reveal
This past week, we had the all important anatomy scan, where we anxiously entered the darkened room and hoped that all was well with our baby. Thankfully, it was, and we breathed a sigh of relief to know our little one was growing and developing as it should. And then, it was time to discover the gender. I’ve never hesitated when deciding whether or not to find out the sex…
The First Trimester
With this being my third pregnancy, I thought I’d be well versed in what to expect. But I soon learnt that each pregnancy is very different. With the twins, I breezed through the first trimester, having a few food aversions and very little nausea. With Henry, I experienced a little more nausea, but it was manageable and I could still eat a variety of foods. I never actually got physically…
Growing Our Family
I’ve already announced my pregnancy on Instagram a few weeks ago (thank you for all the kind words and lovely comments), but I thought I’d make it official on my blog too. I am blessed to be 19 weeks pregnant with our fourth child – my third pregnancy and what we hope will be our second living child, due to join us in November. We found out about our tiny…
The Brothers He’ll Never Know
Henry has always loved photographs. He regularly flips through his Project Life Album, a catalogue of his favourite people, his face lighting up as he sees mama and dada, granny and grandad. He likes to lead me around the house, pointing to the photo frames dotted around. And then he points to their photo, and I hear myself say, ‘That’s William and Noah. They’re your brothers,’ and the words sting…